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Young Investigator Award
Young Investigator Award $1,000 USD
Awarded to: Maurice Zwart, Netherlands
YIA01-2: Video Grading of the Pancreatico-Jejunostomy in Robotic Pancreatoduodenectomy to Determine the Learning Curve and the Risk of Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula
The Young Investigator Award has been established to encourage and support young professionals under the age of 40 to attend the IHPBA World Congress 2022. The top Young Investigator presentations will be selected for a special session. The award will be given at the closing ceremony (April 2, 2022). Eligible applicants must complete the appropriate section during their abstract submission. Please apply for the Young Investigator Award when you submit your abstract online.
Best Oral, ePoster & Video Award
Best Oral Presentation $1,000 USD
Awarded to: Ronald Van Dam, The Netherlands
PL03-2: Laparoscopic Versus Open Hemihepatectomy: The ORANGE II PLUS Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Best ePoster Presentation $500 USD
Awarded to: Roberto Alva-Ruiz, United States
EP02C-004: Efficacy of First- & Second-Line Treatment in an In Vivo Model of Poorly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Pancreas
Best Video Presentation $500 USD
Awarded to: Naruhiko Ikoma, United States
VID01-4: Quality of Superior Mesenteric and Hepatic Artery Dissection in Robotic Pancreatoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Cancer
The IHPBA World Congress 2022 Scientific Committee will select the winners of the Best Oral Presentation Award, Best e-Poster Presentation Award and Best Video Presentation Award based on the peer review of the content of the abstracts submitted via the congress website. The awards will be given at the closing ceremony (April 2, 2022).
Steve Sotsky Pancreatic Cancer Research Award
Steve Sotsky Pancreatic Cancer Research Award $1,000 USD
This award was created in memory of the father of AHPBA member, Dr. Tara Sotsky Kent. Mr. Steve Sotsky died of pancreatic cancer in September 2013. He was an ardent supporter of Dr. Kent and her husband during their surgical trainings. Mr. Sotsky recognized that ongoing research, and communication of its results, is the key to finding better treatment options for patients with pancreatic disease, and cancer specifically. He also understood the important role of the educational meetings, especially for young surgeons and residents, in advancing ideas and gaining momentum. This annual award recognizes the outstanding work in the field of pancreatic research by a Resident and Trainee.